Real Estate Agent

Bryce Taylor

Специалист по торговле недвижимостью


Douglas Elliman

140 Franklin St

Douglas Elliman

140 Franklin St
Bryce Taylor is an attentive, dedicated real estate agent who goes above and beyond to providing a personalized experience. “I believe in being readily available at any time for my clients and have an open-door policy so they feel comfortable calling or texting me anytime for any reason. I know how stressful this process can be and have deep compassion and understanding. My goal is to educate you every step of the way, and create a perfect balance of professionalism and having a fun time in order to make our time together most enjoyable. After all, this is an exciting time!”

As a NYC resident his whole life and a real estate agent for several years, Bryce brings strong market knowledge as well as a wide network of contacts to optimize marketing of properties that are on and off the market. Most important to him is transparency, because buying/selling requires all parties working seamlessly and honestly to get the best deal done.

Prior to real estate, Bryce was associated with major companies including Ernst & Young. He graduated from the University at Albany with a double major in Political Science and Business Marketing, plus earned several certificates from Columbia University and New York Law School. Other than real estate, Bryce loves skiing during the winter and traveling the world. Food is another passion, and he considers himself an unofficial connoisseur!
Город Покрытие:Manhattan,

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